The Lassoed Bear
Story Summary
In "The Lassoed Bear," a Hunter struggles to free himself from a rope tied to a Bear he has lassoed, while a Showman passing by dismisses the Hunter's desperate offers, opting to wait for better market conditions. This short story with a moral highlights themes of opportunity and timing, ultimately revealing that the Showman and the Bear share a prior connection, suggesting that not all offers are as they seem. A perfect addition to popular moral stories or short bedtime stories with moral lessons, it encourages readers to consider the value of patience and understanding in decision-making.
Click to reveal the moral of the story
The story illustrates the idea that procrastination and indecision can lead to missed opportunities, especially in times of urgency.
Historical Context
This story reflects elements of American folk humor and the tradition of tall tales, particularly prevalent in the 19th century, when storytelling was a popular form of entertainment in frontier and rural communities. The humorous interaction between the Hunter and the Showman evokes the absurdity often found in folklore and the comedic portrayal of human-animal relationships, reminiscent of Aesop's Fables and other moral tales that feature anthropomorphized animals. The scenario also mirrors the themes of capitalism and the whimsical nature of trade, showcasing how value can be perceived differently in various contexts.
Our Editors Opinion
This story illustrates the importance of recognizing urgency and seizing opportunities before they slip away, a lesson that resonates in modern life where indecision can lead to missed chances. For instance, a startup founder might hesitate to secure a funding round due to market fluctuations, only to find that investors lose interest as they pursue other opportunities, resulting in the founder's loss of potential growth and support.
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Other names for this story
Bear on a Leash, The Hunter's Predicament, Lasso and Laughter, Bear Market Blues, Caught in the Act, The Unyielding Bear, A Showman's Dilemma, Roped and Ready
Did You Know?
This story cleverly highlights the theme of market forces and value perception, illustrating how desperation can lead to absurd negotiations, as the Hunter's dire situation contrasts with the Showman's calculated indifference to the Bear's worth.
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Story Details
- Age Group
- adultkidschildrenstory for class 2story for class 3story for class 4story for class 5story for class 6story for class 7story for class 8
- Theme
- DesperationOpportunityHumor
- Characters
- hunterbearshowmanman-eating tigerscat-headed gorillarattlesnakes
- Setting
- forestmarketpremises